דף 1 מתוך 1

לגולשי רוח בדימונד

נשלח: 25 יולי 2010, 20:09
על ידי amitz
כנראה שגם בבריטניה ככה מרגישים גולשי הרוח
Thought for the day: Love being the minority.


Stereos blare, beanies, shorts, hip hopping youth jig in expectation at becoming part of the crowd. Kites fill the skies, lie prone on the gound, cameras roll, jumps captured and replayed over and over and over....

Then over the dunes struggles The Windsurfer. Grim faced and helmeted he fights his kit to the waterside, the public register a primeval suprise as they see the size of his 'sinker' board, this is not the windsurfing they know, he must be a real expert. He launches into the most awkward rocky corner he can find intent on gleaning a ride from the spasmodic waves. (Meanwhile the kiters mass together downwind and play at jumping in the shallows) whilst our hero battles with the ocean and like an old hanglider pilot in a swarm of learner paragliders commands a deeper understanding that what he does must be really hard. The odd member of the public catches our fella's eye and he offers a slow smile in return. He knows what he does is hard and brutal at times, on a Saturday afternoon he leaves the mass of dull population and fights with all his heart to be better than the last time.
Who wants to be kiter with their colour coded shorts? Who wants to belong to the crowd?
Who wants to be the windsurfer?
Who wants to a hero?

Sorry! Can't help it sometimes.


Re: לגולשי רוח בדימונד

נשלח: 26 יולי 2010, 05:03
על ידי dan52
Wow, it's like Moby Dick poetry:
Dick's out riding the f*ckin' white whale again...

אני חושב שהדבר הזה תופש בתמציתיות רבה ביותר את ההבדל בין גולשי הרוח והקייט:
- זקנים מרירים שרוטנים על כל דבר וחושבים שיש הדרך היחידה היא דרך של קשיים מרובים
- מול חבר'ה צעירים צבעוניים וקלילים שפשוט נהנים...