דף 1 מתוך 1

גן העדן של פרו

נשלח: 17 אוקטובר 2014, 07:54
על ידי batgalim
מסע בחופי פרו עם גולש ה SUP של Kai Bates FANATIC.
נופים מדהימים של חופי פרו, מוזיקה טובה וצילומים מרהיבים גם מהאויר.
שווה לראות.
Peru Paradise
from: Fanatic International
Take a journey along the Peruvian coastline and experience the true coastal culture! Fanatic rider Kai Bates and his friends sharing a passion for watersports - Stand Up Paddling, Surfing & Windsurfing. A different bunch of people with different stories, different languages and different interests but all had one thing that linked them together. In the short time they have spent together you could already see that we had formed friendships that is going to link up for a long time. "Passion and freedom” - the driving forces of these memories!